Our Pledge for Mental Health Awareness

20 May 2019
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Following a really successful Mental Health Awareness Week, our CEO, Paul Thandi, has signed the Time to Change employer pledge

​​​​​​Following a very successful Mental Health Awareness Week, NEC Group CEO, Paul Thandi, has sign a pledge to change how we all think and act about mental health. Time to Change, is the growing social movement run by charities Mind and Rethink Mental Illness to support people to open up to mental health problems. By signing the Time to Change employer pledge, NEC Group is committing to change the way we all think and act about mental health in the workplace. 

The NEC Group has committed to support the Time to Change action plan of activity which will help to break the silence that surrounds mental health in the workplace. That action plan started last week, with an amazing range of daily activities on offer to all staff.

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Team NEC taking time out for a walk in the woods during Mental Health Awareness Week

On Monday, Team NEC wore their wellies to work for a lunchtime walk through Bickenhill Plantations on the NEC campus site. Tuesday had a Money Matters focus, as well as a Zen for Ten session at Arena Birmingham and even a drop in session on The Rhythm of Life. 

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Singing for happiness during Mental Health Awareness Week

Wednesday was Yoga, Curry and Chaat and we even 'sang for happiness' with the Armonico Consort who gave us a Voice Squad taster session.  To keep things going on Thursday we had a Kaido taster session and a mindful drawing class - no artist talent needed!

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Friday, we were so proud to fly the flag for LGBTQ Pride, raising money for charity with rainbow stamps and badges and by doing a staff photocall on the Piazza Roundabout.  We also had daily articles and stories from people around the business on how they look after their​ own wellbeing.​

Paul Thandi, CEO, NEC Group said: "I'd like to pass on my congratulations to all those who made Mental Health Awareness Week such a success for the NEC Group. I was bowled over by the amount of things we had on offer to our staff. Off the back of that we were asked to sign the Time to Talk employer pledge and it was a no brainer for us. The pledge is around looking after your people and for me our staff and colleagues are our most important asset. Our people make a difference to the success of the organisation – without them we wouldn't be where we are today."

Jo Loughran, Interim Director of Time to Change, said: "We know it can be hard to talk about mental health, which is why we're supporting employers to open up; to talk and to listen. Too many people with mental health problems are made to feel isolated, ashamed and worthless, but with the right support, those of us with mental health problems can recover and have equal opportunities in all areas of life. Everyone's attitude makes a difference and it's fantastic to see organisations like NEC Group taking the lead."